
Study Skill - Week 5

                     History of typography

  First of all, typography is an ancient technique, the invention of printing to provide mankind with a great convenience.
Gutenberg Born in 1398 in Mainz, Germany, February 3, 1468, died in Mainz, is the first European invented movable type. His invention sparked a media revolution, and is widely considered the modern history of one of the most important events. His invention sparked a media revolution, and is widely considered to be one of the most important events in modern history.
  What is typography?
Gutenberg metal letters arranged them printed page, where this approach is that these new letters can be re-used, the bottom plate of the past cannot be re-used wood, they can only be engraved in the top of that page, and not be used to print other pages. Until today the Gutenberg Bible was printed art counted as a treasure. Gutenberg’s invention spread very quickly in Europe. In 50 years of using this new method have been printed thirty thousand kinds of printed material, a total of more than 12 million copies printed. Victor Hugo called typography for the world's greatest invention. Gutenberg used letters made ​​of lead, zinc and other metals of the alloy composition. They were cooled very quickly, and can withstand the printing pressure. Shaft itself is printed using a printing method, printing the paper and parchment.
Currently, text layout methods are lead type typesetting, manual typesetting,
computer typesetting.
In any Visual Media, text and pictures are its two constituent elements. The quality of the text permutations and combinations, directly impact the effect of Visual communication on impact. Therefore, the text is to enhance the visual communication design effects, improve work force demands, giving layout aesthetic value constitutes an important technique. Here, we mainly talk about typography in graphic design several principles, and text combinations points should be noted. This part of the work should be the human brain work done, the computer cannot be replaced.
  Improve the readability of the text

The text should be designed to avoid complicated messy, people easily recognizable, understandable, should not to design and design, typography forget the fundamental purpose is to more effectively convey the author's intention to express the design theme and ideas ......
Position of the text should be consistent with the overall requirements
Text in images of arrangements taking into account the whole layout factors, cannot have a Visual conflict. Otherwise in the primary and secondary is not on the screen, is very easy to cause confusion in Visual order, sometimes even a 1 pixel gap will change the smell of your entire work......
Should give people the visual beauty
In the process of visual communication, the text as a picture element of the image, has to convey the feelings of the function, so it must have a visual sense of beauty, give a beautiful feeling......
The need for innovative design

According to the requirements of their themes, highlighting the personality colour text design,
to create distinctive unique font, gives a spectacular visual experience, is conducive to the performance of the design intent ......
More complex applications
Text font and picture should match, so as to achieve more complete results, the need to be patient and careful.

