
Study Skill - Task 4

In English (see Chinese " metaphor "), metaphors (Metaphor) is and simile different without like or as represented, but to hide such a rhetorical devices . Also known as metaphor of metaphors. Expression: a is b.

Metaphor is a metaphor , a metaphor is another thing.

Metaphors are there such things imply that perception, experience, imagination, understanding, under psychological behavior of talking about such things, language and culture.

Poetry in particular, since the modern poetry, words go with important features, like breakthroughs between the words used to link, links together seemingly unrelated things. Seems to be a lack of contact between words in combination, new criticism at home call it a metaphor .
  Metaphor in my opinion, is to express what was originally thought, art, complex, gives people a feeling of not guess. But once people see through, this work will be on a deep understanding. Metaphor not only can be used in writing, painting, sculpture, and so everything can be art. There are many celebrities use metaphor works way to tell people some of the truth.
 For example:

1.He is a pig. He is a pig. (Analogy: he is a pig-like person, meaning dirty, greedy people.


2.She is a woman with a stony heart. She is a heartless woman. (Analogy: this woman is heartless.


3.Mark Twain is a mirror of America. Mark Twain is the United States of a mirror. (Analogy with a mirror United States reality, very appropriate.
My friend, it quickly mules, in the mountains between Mercedes-Benz and over, in a desert accomplices. We get together to go with the mountains, and the God of heaven and kill cattle fought it and defeated live in Cedar forest Hambaba. Now why let sleeping dudes How about you?——T. Kovacs, 1989
The world is a stage; men and women who are acting; their appearance and have their own fate.——Shakespeare
Shakespeare's famous phrase is a good example of metaphor. Among this case, the world is used for comparison with the stage, the aim is to use "stage" than common sense to describe the "world" concept, and the Chinese people say "Life is like a play" with the same purpose. In this case, the "world" is a Metaphor (tenor) and the stage is a metaphor by (vehicle); while "man" and "woman" is the second level of Metaphor, "acting person" is used to describe "man" and "woman" by virtue of "is" is the word metaphor.

The third sentence by virtue of the properties will be projected onto the figurative body. Metaphor and metaphor by similar or identical property is to contact the two foundations (ground). For example, in "Life is like a play" metaphor them, life is a figurative body play is virtue, and "Life, Death," and "appearances, fate" is the link between the two foundations.
  Conclusion, metaphors are always present in our lives, but not to mix metaphors and parables, metaphors deeper meaning to observe life and experience life in their own works of art to add an appropriate metaphor, the effect will be very good.

AI Richards 1936 year book "philosophical rhetoric"

Ji Erjia America even epic

