
Study Skill-Week 4

Vincent · Vincent van Gogh
  Vincent · William · van Gogh (Vincent Willem van Gogh,1853-1890), Netherlands after Impressionist painter. He was a pioneer of expressionism, and deeply influenced the 20th century art, especially Fauvism and Expressionism . Vincent van Gogh's works, such as the stars and the sunflower crop, and the Ravens are now among the world's most anonymous, well known and expensive works of art.
1890 July 29 , troubled by Van Gogh because of mental illness, in the beautiful France beside the wazihe ended his young life, when he was 37 years old.
  Vincent van Gogh was born in Netherlands a Protestant pastor of the village families, early on, he had the staff and business brokers , also worked as a missionary in mining. He is full of fantasy, love, going to extremes, repeated frustrations and failures in life, and at last he threw himself into the painting, resolved "in painting and its own labour, labor". His early paintings realism, Netherlands traditional painting and France effects of realism painting. In 1886, he moved to Paris, meet new Impressionist painter and Impressionist, and contact with the Japan Ukiyo-e works. Expansion of its paintings change the perspective, his paintings, starting early by dull, Dim, and becomes crisp, bright and majolica. And when in 1888 he came to France when the southern town of Al, had been freed from the influence of Impressionism and neo-Impressionism, go to the contrary position. In Arles, Van Gogh wanted to organize an artist community. In 1888, Gauguin was invited to, but because of the two-person concept of personality conflicts and differences, cooperation will soon fail. Since then, Van Gogh's madness (it was recorded was "epileptic") often attack, but conscious, he still insists on painting. In July 1890, he shot himself in his insanity, at the age of 37.
  The excitability and wealth to the neurotic artist, in its short life left a lot of impressive work. His art is a manifestation of the mind. He said: "the painting I am not seeking accurate, I would like to better myself", he did not focus on the objective representation of objects, and performance-oriented feel about things. Hengli·fuxilong deal with Van Gogh said: "he is the enthusiasm and most lyrical painter of his era. …… For him, everything has a facial expression, urgency and appeal. All forms, all faces have an incredibly poetic "," he has a mysterious feel that nature lives be uplifted, he wanted to capture it. All of this means to him is a mystery full of wild and sweet, he wanted his art to be engulf all convey enthusiasm to mankind "(Ofu part Sharov of the van Gogh on the Shanghai people's fine arts Publishing House, June, 1987).
  In order to more fully express inner emotion, Van Gogh explore a so-called expressionist painting. He said: "color is not to reach local real, but enlightenment some passion. "In his paintings, dense vocal colour contrast is often reached its limit. Wealth to the passion of his rotation, movement of the stroke, then having his wheat fields, Cypress, Star, like a flame-like vapor, fibrillation, shook the hearts of viewers. In his painting, strong emotions completely dissolved in the Symphony of colors and the strokes.
  Born on March 30, 1853 in Zinder, early as expressing sorrow over their ears had been cut. On July 29, 1890 in France wazihe side plagued by years of psychotic suicide. Early years in business, passionate about religion after after 1880 began to study painting. In Paris met e · Bernard, p · sinek and p · Gauguin and other artists.
  Early works under the influence of Impressionism and the new Impressionist painting, the potato Eaters ', and by the representatives of the Seine Riverside ... Twice in places such as cafes and restaurants to the labour sector exhibited their works. Soon tired of Paris life, came to France in Arles in the South, began to pursue a more expressive skills and propelled by innovation trend of thought in literature and art, and Japan inspired by painting, to reach the line and color their own expressive and decorative, meaning of the picture. Taiwan translation of Van Gogh.
  Vincent van Gogh's works over a long period of time in which the world is not acceptable until the late 19th century when the world is full of innovations, ideas get an unprecedented transformation of the people, and also greatly improve the capacity to accept new things. More ahead, past the Impressionist of Van Gogh, are adapted to the aesthetic needs of people at this time.
  "Van Gogh was not only a great painter, but is an excellent writer and philosopher! "When I received this award, Van Gogh died 47 years.

