
Graphic Design 1-WEEK 1

                                                             mind map - about myself


Study Skill-WEEK 7

                                Environmental issue

  "Environmental issues" refers to the role of human activity on the environment caused by changes in environmental quality, and its implications for the production of human life and health impacts. Human beings created in the transformation of the natural environment and social environment in the process, the natural environment is still the inherent laws of nature changing. Social environment on the one hand by the constraints of the natural environment, but also with its inherent regular exercise. Human interaction with the environment and the role continuously generate environmental problems. (From BAIDU encyclopedia)
  We live on Earth, but now the Earth has a lot of environmental problems exist. For example:
Climate change, Energy, Pollution, Resource depletion, Ozone depletion, Overpopulation, Land degradation, nuclear issues, Toxins and Urban sprawl. These are the environmental problems caused by human activities. Which I want to talk about is: Climate change, Pollution, Resource depletion, Overpopulation and Urban sprawl.
Climate change: One of the most important is global warming, in the 20th century, Shi; global mean near-surface atmospheric temperature has risen by 0.74 degrees Celsius. In General, the scientific community discovered over the past 50 years can be observed climate change in velocity is doubled over the past 100 years, to infer from the period of climate change is human activity driven. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas concentrations continue to increase. Is the human factor in the major part of global warming? According to statistics atmospheric nitrous oxide (n20) content than the middle of the 18th century (1750) began the industrial revolution grew from 275ppbv to 310ppbv, carbon dioxide (CO2) content increased from 280ppmv to 360ppmv, Methane (CH4) increased from 700ppbv to 1720ppbv, this growth trend mainly due to human activities. Combustion of fossil fuels, clean up the forest and farming has enhanced the greenhouse effect. Since 1950, volcanic activity and changes in solar radiation the warming effect of even lower than the human emissions of greenhouse gases. These conclusions more than more than 30 from the eight industrial countries identified by the research community.
Pollution: One of the most important is Noise pollution, noise pollution refers to humans in industrial production, construction, transportation and social activities, the resulting noise disturbances surrounding human and animal life environment. Ambient noise in the world at present the main source is traffic noise, including car , and plane and train noise, if bad urban planning, industrial planning closer to living areas, noise pollution is also a major industry, further, as construction machinery, Entertainment PA facilities and even some office equipment, people shout loudly, is noise pollution. Noise on animals also have a considerable impact, reducing animal hearing, prevent animal with voice communication, particularly between orientation and courtship, affecting between predator and prey animals of natural communication and therefore undermined the ecological balance.
Resource depletion: One of the most important is Deforestation. For artificial forest conversion to cropland, and pastures, and urban land use. In General, the deforestation is causing environmental degradation and species diversity declined. Many countries deforestation, causing climate change and geo- environmental changes. Because deforestation is not enough for afforestation, resulting in soil and water conservation in destruction, and climate change, and biodiversity reduction and declining quality of life.
Overpopulation: Refers to the population growth, which is usually exponential growth, to bring pressure. Demographic Household "overpopulation" to describe the 20th century, world population birth rate much higher than the world's population mortality in this situation..
  People need to bury the dead.
Called natural burial. Natural burial is the interment of the body of a dead person in the soil in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition but allows the body to recycle naturally. It is an alternative to other contemporary Western burial methods. (From Wikipedia) So if population explosion would take up too much land, and ultimately humans no place.
Urban sprawl: Urban sprawl or urban sprawl is a significant outward urban development, urban encroachment edge of rural areas. Urban sprawl region's population density is low, mostly low-density residential housing. In traffic, highly dependent on cars. The waters surrounding the affected. Will also be a lot of change of use of agricultural land. The destruction of local ecosystems. Cause environmental pollution and other issues, it will affect people's normal life.